I am going to share a story, just as it was told to me. Well, as close as I am able to remember it. I am walking in your shoes as I tell this tale, they’d better be “flip flops” because this is about beaches.
Maybe it’s really about helping people solve the nagging problems that always seem to crop up; just when you think you have life well in hand. This proverbial hat was dropped, quite literally right in the lap of one of our very best personal assistants.
She caught the gauntlet, so to speak, just as it was cast . . . but not in the manner you are thinking.
Calling for Magic
So, I called the number.
The one I was told to save. Luckily, I had tucked the card in my wallet a few years back. They said that whoever answered the telephone would be able to conjure up a little bit of magic. And that was just what I needed because I had a big problem, one of my own making. And, there was no solution in my very unclear thoughts.
She answered the phone almost before it rang. In a panic I asked, “Can you help me, PLEASE?” What I heard on the other side of the phone was one of those voices, you know the kind, a voice that both calms the moment and assures you that everything will be alright.
She asked me what was wrong and promised to take care of everything.
“How can you do that when you don’t even know what happened,” I said in a raised voice.
“It’s what I do every day. I help people travel. I make it fun, and it’s my job to take away the stress,” she replied.
So, at her request, I explained the details of my blunder. I had forgotten the anniversary, the special one; we had been together for a year. And I had no plan, nothing, I was lost. After a series of questions, to which I gave the answers as best I could; she said she had a plan. We were only on the phone for ten minutes and she had a solution, I was still in a state of emergency.
I went and got a double espresso and returned to my office just as my cell rang.
“Please look at your email, I believe we have the matter well in hand,” she said. Timeliness was everything and she needed to get moving in order to rescue my dilemma in the making. Ok, I have gone from disaster to commitment in just over an hour. I was impressed and feeling much better, the caffeine was kicking-in as well. So I checked my email.

The Magic Begins
A note from your Personal Assistant @The Mill House Inn
From our conversation it’s apparent that you would like a low key almost invisible Hamptons Adventure, so here we go!
First things first, let’s get you here in style. A few options are below:
- Fly the Whale: A sea plane ride from NYC to East Hampton – 35 Minutes
- Blade: A helicopter ride from NYC to East Hampton – 35 Minutes
- Twin Forks Limo: The luxury of a Grand Sedan, a bottle of Wolffer Champagne and time to talk
I like the Seaplane to East Hampton and the Limo home . . . or the reverse! Diversity.
Upon Your Arrival
Suite Forty is reserved for you for two nights; I have held the third evening, just in case. Thinking about that ring yet?

Enterprise will have an F150 Pickup at the Airport … just in case you venture onto the sand!
For lunch on the beach, we will have a cooler in the truck with everything you need beyond the food. Let us know what you would like for lunch and we will order it and have it ready for pickup on your way to the beach. We have some great options for you:
- L&W Market: From the farms to the market, Jason & Jeremy will make your lunch special
- Carissa’s Bakery: Great sandwiches, croissants, macarons and madeleines.
- La Fondita: Traditional Mexican Street Food
While You’re Here
Let’s pick a beach for lunch . . .
- Gin Beach: A unique name, not at all what you would imagine.
- Napeague Harbor: From the Walking Dunes to the Estuary.
Even more amazing stuff to choose from … just in case you need to leave the beach …
- Springs General Store: For kayaking in Jackson Pollock’s neighborhood.
- Rita’s Stable: For horseback riding on the beach.
Maybe you’d like to consider enjoying a clambake on the beach for dinner? We can order this up for you and it will be already cooked, ready to eat, and packed in the cooler! Your choice of:
- Bostwick’s: A great New England style seafood shack.
- Stuart’s Seafood: Where our fish at MHI is sourced.
- Maidstone Park Beach: Watch the boats as they enter 3 Mile Harbor.
- Rain Out: Bring the Clambake back to your Suite or try Wolffer Kitchen in Amagansett.
Dinner for night two is at eight at 1770 House with a table by the fire in the old speakeasy.
Anything, Anytime, Anywhere . . . I’m here to make you smile
Well, it all worked out. The trip was a big success and I looked like a hero who had been planning for weeks. Now I am thinking about that ring. I was told that no one has ever said no to a proposal at the Inn, I don’t doubt it in the least, as she said . . .
It’s what I do every day, I help people travel, I make it fun, it’s my job to take away the stress and make you smile!
The Lagniappe: A Little Something Extra
Last week, I began establishing a signature Lagniappe [pronounced lan-yap]. It’s what Cajuns call a little something extra.
I have asked you to follow my story, as meandering as it may be; and with that in mind, I feel I owe you a little something in return. So each time I write, I’ll link to something or someone worth a few moments of your time . . .
A friend of MHI for many years, Roman Roth at Wölffer Winery – his Roman’s Grapes of Roth Merlot is Kick-Ass as is the Rose!
Please send me your thoughts, a picture, or a question. It would be our pleasure to create a little magic for you! Call us or email us to book your stay.
– Gary